Five key reasons why having a mentor can help change your business world

By Rita W Bologna, above, Patron, The Association of Business Mentors

The word ‘help’ is almost what every entrepreneur wants to ask but are often too proud to. A word wrongly associated with weakness and lack of imagination. When striking out alone to start something new, asking for help can be the hardest task of all. Somehow, the new business owner needs to navigate this new world they are trying to map, weaving past the endless trees of knowledge and misinformation to get to the clearing of success.

Entrepreneurs like to go it alone, but it can be a lonely experience leaving the comfort of a company to the ultimate leap of faith and create something for oneself. Asking for help can be considered a weakness, it really is not. Having a mentor can give you all the strength you need to face the challenges of entrepreneurship.

I started The Good Global Group in a small bedroom with just a desk, a chair, and a phone, balancing my desire to create a successful business with the normal trials of a single mother. Over the years of hard but smart work, I built an exceptional team of highly skilled and incredibly knowledgeable colleagues in the field of PR, digital marketing, publishing, and corporate events. We built strong relationships with high-net-worth clients and companies in the executive finance and luxury property world. The years of tenacity and resilience was rewarded when we were proudly awarded Best New Company and for me a milestone reached when I became Business Woman of the Year.

Now I devote my efforts to supporting the entrepreneurial cause and mentoring entrepreneurs worldwide as a not-for-profit business strategist. As a Patron of The Company of Entrepreneurs and Patron of the Association of Business Mentors, I advocate for the work of these inspirational companies and share why mentoring really does matter.

Here are my five key reasons why having a mentor can help change your business world.

Gaining new perspectives.

Since mentors, by definition, have more experience than their mentees, they look at the world from a different perspective. They also see situations differently than someone who is just getting started in that same space. As a result, mentors have a refreshing and different point of view that the mentee may have otherwise never considered.

Improved leadership abilities

A mentor often performs many leadership duties, such as inspiring their mentees, providing guidance, and even solving taxing problems. They may also give constructive feedback to their mentees. Developing these skills will help you become a better leader in the future.


Entrepreneurs tend to like ‘going alone’. If I had my time again, I would have had several mentors over the years and learned many valuable lessons from each and every one of them. From not making certain business decisions to fostering certain partnerships, a mentor can help guide you through your entrepreneurial journey.

Networks and contacts

Your mentor has already acquired a variety of valuable contacts that could be out of reach to you. Your mentor can facilitate access and open doors for you giving you the opportunity to make it and as well grow your network. Networking opportunities are a brilliant way to grow your business.

Confidence building

I have mentored several mentees, the one thing I have been thanked for several times is that their confidence has grown through the mentoring process. Things will get tough, you will make mistakes, and you’ll wonder if it’s truly worth the stress in your life, having a mentor can give you that inner power to reach your goals and help you realise that you do have the ability to succeed.

I can now say my dream of being able to give back to build a stronger future of leaders and entrepreneurs has finally come into fruition. My motto is ‘yes I can’ this is what I teach my mentees. The key is to remember anything is possible.

Rita is an award winning business woman with over 30 years experience in starting and building new businesses. She is an inspirational leader with a special talent for transitioning strategy into action and achievement. Rita retired as CEO and founder of The Good Global Group Ltd, The Good Titles Ltd and The Good Events & PR Company in 2017. Her three companies were based in London, with the primary businesses focusing on PR, Digital Marketing, publishing of The Good Property and Wedding Guides and high-status corporate events held at The Ritz, The Savoy and other five star hotels

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